Magic Bullet in Magic Land

Chapter Volume 1 1.2

Chapter 1 : The First Encounter Part 2

The longsword pierced the girl’s stomach, and physically nailed her to the ground. Fresh blood soaked the ground and spread out slowly as it oozed from the body. The man twisted his hand that was gripping onto the longsword, making the girl shriek hoarsely at the pain of the blade digging into her torso as she gasped constantly.

Karito had been watching all of this from the beginning till the end through his goggles. At the thicket where he lay hidden, Karito had witnessed everything – each and every move of the soldier who stabbed the little girl, the expression of that very soldier at the moment of the murder.

(That man… He was laughing)

The moment he understood the meaning of it, something changed inside of Karito.

…I thought that it would be enough as long as I can meet a person. I surely did think so.

(Don’t joke with me. They are crazy!)

I didn’t want to admit the existence that would stab a young girl with a sword while laughing as a human being. I wouldn’t consider them as one.

They were no longer human, but an existence of the worst evil, worse than a starved beast.

And, Karito possessed a way to eliminate them.

[ED: Finally!]

While saying so, was there a reason to not beat this bastard down to hell?

He stretched his hand to the side of his rifle that sat on the two-legged stand, and switched to an orthodox shooting position.

He held his breath after breathing out silently, letting his whole body relax. After his whole body’s muscles loosened up, he fixed his muscles into that position, suppressing any slight movement that could alter his aim to the maximum.

First, I aimed at the man in the white robe. He was probably a magician of some sort. Since there’s a good chance that he could cast some powerful magic here, I need to eliminate him first. It is basic strategy to eliminate an opponent that has larger firepower, like a gunman with a machine gun. I aimed the crosshair at the magician’s head.

The robed magician flashed a sadistic smile as he looked at the girl writhing in agony at being pierced through by the sword. His face overlapped with the face of the bullies’ leader who used to make Karito eat feces by force. Right after that, Karito flung a urinal pot to the lead bully’s face, and literally crushed the bridge of his nose.

But this time, it would be destroying the head of a good-for-nothing with a lead bullet. As for the actions that he would undertake from then on, there was no hesitation, logical sense, or sense of guilt in the slightest in Karito’s mind.

“Die, you fucking asshole.” At the same time as he murmured the phrase in anger, he squeezed the trigger of the rifle quietly.

The recoil that penetrated his shoulder; the sound of a gunshot roaring… The magnified head of the magician exploded. As long as I took on a proper sniping posture, I didn’t even need the assistance of the mark at a distance of no more than fifty metres. It was to the extent where I didn’t even need the assistance of the scope.

In addition to being supported by the bipedal stand, Karito’s M14EBR also uses a forehand grip and a high precision gun barrel that could increase accuracy for a short distance confrontation. Along with it was also Karito’s own specially custom made enhanced armour exploding ammunition with high firepower and recoil. Inside the game, it was just a simple customization, but it was enough. With the correct handling method, it could be used to cope with any kind of situation.

I fixed my aim that has been tilted. I shot another two bullets into the chest of the standing body that has not realized it was missing its head to ensure that I made the finishing blow.

They blasted somewhere near the heart. As Karito had only ever seen the image of blood splattering inside the game, the sight of a freshly and badly damaged corpse was imprinted into his memories. Karito suppressed the strange feeling into a corner of his mind forcefully.

I moved the direction of my muzzle by a little bit, and the next target that my rifle’s crosshair pointed to was the man, who has been kicking the girl, who was standing stunned, unable to comprehend what had just happened.

I aimed at his neck joint that wasn’t covered by the slip-guard, and shot. After shooting open a large hole in his body, the man collapsed.

I have murdered two people today.

“Serves you right.” My lips moved unconsciously.

Furthermore, I turned and readied my aim at the remaining men who surrounded the beastwoman.

On this side too, the group of men froze at their respective spots, unable to grasp the situation. Without any further hesitation, I shot another bullet. Bit by bit, I shifted my aim and mowed them down with rapid fire in semi-auto mode. The armor exploding bullets pierced their armours easily, destroying their internal organs. They fell down one after another, scattering pieces of flesh and blood from the pierced openings.

When Karito had killed all of the enemies in his sight, he raised his body quickly and attempted to approach the village. As he pressed his rifle onto his right shoulder, he dropped his waist a little bit, tilted his body forward, and began to jog. Even so, his speed was the same as a child running a short distance.

[TLC:Is his speed really freaking slow – -“]

[ED: Wary of danger, maybe? IDK.]

Karito was only a few meters away from the beastwoman that lay dumbfounded, also unable to comprehend the scene that had just occurred, when at that moment, another group of soldiers came running towards them.

Their hands were holding onto swords. It was very clear that they belonged to the group of men Karito had just killed from their malicious presence. Their numbers totalled to five. If they were the men’s comrades, it means that they’re Karito’s enemies.

“What the hell are you…” Ignoring the fact that one of the men was about to say something, Karito proceed to fire.

When aiming at a moving target, one should aim for the large torso. At this short distance, Karito didn’t even need to use the scope. He double tapped the trigger, and the bullet hit the middle of the man’s chest exactly.

[TL: Double Tap is a shooting technique where 2 shots are fired in rapid succession at the same target]

Subsequently, at the point where only two men remained, the M14EBR ran out of bullets. He imagined a weapon change as he slung the rifle to his back without panicking or fussing, his hands unconsciously moving towards the back of his waist.

When both of his hands appeared next, he was holding onto two handguns, one each in his hands.

They were the IMI desert eagle. Moreover, they were the best ones in their class, a .50AE model. The .05AE model has an expansion magazine that can increase the capacity of bullets loaded in it, a high precision barrel that increases accuracy, a muzzle brake that reduces recoil, and an armor piercing shell with increased recoil of customizable performance.

[TL: I found a of swat team firing a desert eagle but it was .44 one damn it really packed a punch in there.]

Originally, this setting was unachievable in the [Tactical Combat Mode], but it was not unusual for a player in mercenary mode to use two handguns, considering that there was the transfiguration of parameters, and the armours’ additional effects.

It was, then again, different from the M14EBR, where its heavy gunfire sound rung out like a hammer slamming onto a tree. A huge handgun comes with a huge muzzle flash as well, and the magnum bullets show the power it deserves. The soldier’s upper body leaned backwards and collapsed, as if he was hit by a home run king’s invisible bat.

The last soldier was filled with horror as he watched his friends die one after another.

“HIIIIIIIIIII!” He emitted a miserable scream.

Throwing away his sword, which was the only weapon protecting him, he turned his back to Karito, and ran away.

But, Karito didn’t intend to let him go.

Aren’t you as guilty as well? The traces of blood left on his sword were the best evidence.

“This insect is too selfish.” Karito mumbled.

He raised the desert eagle in his right hand single-handedly, and fired at the escaping soldier. A hole the size of a table tennis ball formed in his back. Leaning forward, the soldier fell face first. There was no sign of him waking up. There was no sign of life in him as well.

I scanned the whole area while taking a pose where I can shoot with a desert eagle anytime. There doesn’t seem to be any ambushing troops within the scan range.

The only people alive were Karito, the beastwoman, and one other person.

“No, don’t, Rina! You musn’t die! Stay with me!” The beastwoman finally pulled herself together, and clung onto the little girl.

She pulled out the longsword from her little body, and embraced her. She suppressed the intense bleeding from her stomach, but no matter how you looked at it, it was a fatal wound.

Rina seemed to be the name of that little girl. Karito then noticed that he was able to understand the words that the beastwoman said. It might be because of the effect of the standardized translation function inside <WBGO>.

Unable to leave them alone, he approached the mortally injured girl called Rina, wondering if he could offer any first aid. Then, he did a double take.

Her eyes had already lost their glimmer, and her face was turning greenish-blue from the loss of blood. On top of her head was a floating clock shaped icon.


To the players of <WBGO>, it was a familiar icon. It was the pie chart that indicates the time one has remaining, and it would gradually decrease over time. He shouldn’t delay things any longer.

“Get out of the way!” He yelled urgently.

“Wha… What are you gonna do!?” The woman glared.

“Listen up, I will take a look at this child!” He stated fiercely.

He tore the girl from the beastwoman by force, and kneeled beside Rina while choosing from the equipment list.

Since time was precious at the moment, he didn’t give an explanation. Once Karito found the item he wanted, he materialized it immediately.

What appeared was a pencil-shaped syringe replacing his handgun. Karito pressed the sharp point at the back of her neck, and pushed the button on the opposite side with his thumb. *Pssh* The sound of compressed air could be heard, and the medical solution flowed into the girl’s body.

It was now Karito’s turn to be pushed away by the beastwoman. His collar was grabbed and raised with a strength that he couldn’t imagine coming from the beastwoman’s small hand. Her eyes blazed with fury as she glared at Karito angrily.

“What did you do to Rina?!” She demanded.

“Medicine, I only injected her with medicine!” Karito replied hastily.

Right after that, the girl’s eyes that were closed the entire time fluttered open. While making questioning sounds, she raised her body easily. Her face’s complexion had returned.

Understanding that it turned out well, Karito’s stiff body slouched in relief. On the other hand, the beastwoman froze again from surprise when she saw that Rina, who had been on the verge of dying moments ago, had regained her health. However, her hand was still gripping onto Karito’s collar.

“Eh? H-Huh? I don’t feel anymore pain?” Rina stated in confusion.

“Ri-Riiina!? Why!? A… A-Are you really alright!?” The beastwoman yelped.

“Y-Yes. I don’t understand it well, but I’m probably fine. …I think.” The girl replied hesitantly.

“Hey, hey, hey! Hey you! What exactly have you done to Rina!” The beastwoman turned to Karito agitatedly.

“I gave her some resurrection medicine. It was nearly past the time limit, but looks like I made it in time somehow…” Karito sighed.

[TL: giving resurrection medicine like a boss.]

The stopwatch icon that floated on top of the girl’s head indicated the time limit until the resurrection medicine given would have an effect. Resurrection medicine was an item that would immediately revive the player when his Life Point reaches zero, with the exception of instant death or damage dealt to a certain level in a given period of time. It was an indispensable existence when you play.

Anyway, the beastwoman’s tears of gratitude kept flowing out from the joy of Rina reviving from the brink of death.

While rubbing her red-hot swollen eyes, the beastwoman turned to face Karito while securing the girl in her arms several minutes later.

“I give my thanks to you from the bottom of my heart for saving Rina… By the way, who are you?”

Now then, how should I answer this?

Karito didn’t know how to reply.

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