My Beautiful Teacher

Chapter 116 The Different Yu Lu

Although she is only a nanny, in the eyes of Liao Dongkai’s household, they consider her as the female housekeeper. The daily chores around the house would naturally be done by the maid, making her idle for most of the time without knowing what to do.

Afterward, she began learning how to cook soup, for which Liao Dongkai made her a clean kitchenette inside the house, specifically for her to use.

Therefore, this has become Yu Lu’s only hobby. Otherwise, Yu Lu thought that she would die of boredom.

“Little Yu, you look very different today.” In the vegetable market, an aunt selling the spinach immediately greeted after seeing Yu Lu.

“Huh? Aunt Fu, how could I be different?” Yu Lu blinked, looking down at her own. As usual, she was wearing a plain white hand-knitted sweater and black skirt; the skirt hangs below the knees. Such a simple dress without anything special.

“You see, you see, your face has a young girl’s charm.” The spinach seller aunt laughed, “This aunt is a seasoned person, you can’t hide the truth from me. Little Yu, when are you going to tell me about your boyfriend?”

“Aunt Fu, how could I talk to you about my imaginary boyfriend….” Yu Lu was infinitely bashful, didn’t dare to talk with this sophisticated spinach seller aunt again, looking down and ran away.

She felt confused. She has heard that when a young girl become a young woman, the woman will become more beautiful than ever, and more feminine. ‘Do I really look different?’ She thought.

“Little Li, do you think I look different?” Yu Lu was worried and has to ask the bodyguard beside her, Little Li.

This Little Li is a retired Army Special Forces, who became a bodyguard in Liao Dongkai’s house when he retired. He has yet to have a girlfriend, so, how could he know such a thing?

“No, I don’t so.” Little Li shook his head, like a block of wood, “Sister Lu still look the same as before.”

Still as beautiful as ever. Little Li swallowed these words back to his stomach. This Yu Lu is Director Liao’s future wife, so, he didn’t dare to have the slightest bit of thought toward her.

At Liao mansion, nobody didn’t know this matter. The reason why Liao Dongkai didn’t openly reveal this matter, was because of his concern for his baby daughter.

After all, in Liao Shasha’s mind, she only has one mother.

Moreover, this intention is only coming from Liao Dongkai. Yu Lu herself didn’t have the slightest bit of interest in him, and only focusing herself on being a nanny.

“Little Yu, you’ve become more attractive!”

“Hey, little Yu, you look different today!”

“Little Yu, you’re so beautiful today! Are you using a new skin care product!?”

Whichever she walk in this market, the peddlers that already familiar with her, have all said so. A cabbage seller who was recently married threw her the same question as Liao Shasha.

Yu Lu can’t help but blush and casually bought some ingredients, and then flee to the car in embarrassment, letting the part-time driver Little Li drove her back to Liao Mansion.

This time, Yu Lu’s head was a mess. Yesterday, she had done such a shameful thing….At that time, when Qin Chao kissed her, she seemed bewitched. Her desire surged up flowing all over her body without her being able to control it, making her lost her reason.

Finally, she carelessly gave her most precious thing to a man she just met that day.

This man seems like an ordinary individual, a bodyguard who, particularly, can eat a lot. But upon further contact with this man, one will discover that he has a very unusual charm, unwittingly attracted herself to him, and entered his world.

Thinking about yesterday’s passion, Yu Lu felt herself intermittently hot. She hastily pinched herself several times while thinking, ‘What happens to me. Am I born like this?’

Yu Lu can’t help but pinch herself twice more, ‘How could I become so bad. This is all because of Qin Chao that fellow, he’s the bad one, he made me turned like this! Humph, when he comes back, I will get even with him, I won’t let him off so easily!’

After she made up her mind, Yu Lu, once again, got a goal in life, letting her spirit high. But when she came to the front of the house and encountered Qin Chao and Liao Shasha, who have just returned from school, all her established goals, instantly disappeared into thin air.

Because Qin Chao, was simply too distressed. A terrifying stench of bloodstains covered him, while the high-quality trench coat was in a tattered shape full of knives cut, like a pile of coat tail, blowing behind him. Thus, she forgot to pursue her ‘claim of lost.’

“What happened?” Yu Lu was confused and scared, clutching her little mouth while staring at the two people. If not for them not having any injury, Yu Lu would have thought that they were just coming back from Afghanistan.

“Sister Lulu!” Liao Shasha suddenly threw herself in Yu Lu’s bosom excitedly, holding her slender, soft waist, and exclaimed, “Sister Lulu, you have no idea, just now, many people wanted to catch me!”

“What?” Yu Lu suddenly realized, thinking, ‘It turned out people want to harm Liao Shasha again.’ Such a thing did not just happen once or twice; as the daughter of Liao Dongkai, in this house, Liao Shasha is like a princess. But, outside this house was more dangerous to Liao Shasha than the most wanted terrorist.

As a property developer and a well-known Tycoon, Liao Dongkai doesn’t lack enemies. So, there are always professional-level special bodyguards around him.

But business is business, a lot of people don’t want to confront Liao Dongkai directly. Therefore, the target of these people turned to Liao Shasha.

“Qin Chao….Thank You….” Yu Lu only knew how distressed Qin Chao was, “There’s a lot of blood in you, are you injured?”

Yu Lu’s eyes were filled with concern and could not help but stepped forward and, on behalf of Qin Chao, examining the injury.

“Rest assured.” Qin Chao gave a big smile. Without knowing why, seeing this smile, Yu Lu felt at ease. “These are other people’s blood.”

Qin Chao said, somewhat proudly stood there, which inexplicably gave off a sense of powerful aura.

“Want to hurt me? They’re not good enough!”

This moment, the two girls were a bit shocked. Well, to be precise, a young girl and a young woman. In their eyes, when they look at Qin Chao, there were traces of admiration and confusion.

They admire the great strength of Qin Chao. They were confused about why such a man, who suddenly appeared in their lives, seemingly didn’t belong to them.

“Ahem….” Yu Lu suddenly realized her gaffe, blushed, and dryly coughed twice to calm herself and then said.

“You two have suffered hardship; it’s good that you can safely come back. How about this, this evening I will cook Western ginseng jujube hot pot chicken soup, for the two of you to calm your nerves.”

“Very nice!” Liao Shasha excitedly jumped up, “I’ll go take a bath first! My body stank! Qin Chao, you need to wash yourself too. Otherwise, I won’t let you eat the meal together with us!”

With that, Liao Shasha bounced up toward the upstairs bathroom.

“I better go take a bath then.” Qin Chao also felt that his body odor was already quite strange. He looked at Yu Lu, the young woman with a unique charm, in front of him, and suddenly smiled.

“My lovely Lulu, do you want to take a bath with me?”

“You, you! Go to hell!” Yu Lu immediately blushed; the blush that can cook an egg. “Yesterday was a mistake. I forbid you to think about it!”

“Yesterday? What happened yesterday?”

“Don’t play stupid with me! It’s, it’s the matter between the two of us….ai, you did this on purpose!”

“Hahaha!” Qin Chao laughed away to end the flirting and went back to his room to take a bath.

Yu Lu gritted her teeth, but she can’t help but think about yesterday’s scene, and her heart unexpectedly rippled. She hastened to take deep breaths to calm herself down and ran into the kitchen, ready to turn her attention to making the soup.

Much of Yu Lu’s culinary skill came from her mother. It’s just that, when her mother died, she was still too small, and she only learned some superficial knowledge.

But regardless of that, Yu Lu inherited her mother’s unique talent in cooking. The soup that she makes, even the picky eater Liao Shasha could not find one fault with it.

Although this kitchen is not big, it’s specifically only used by her. Therefore, it’s very peaceful. She put the earthenware cooking pot on the stove and started to add the ingredients according to the recipe.

‘Humph, how could this potato look like that damn Qin Chao. Humph, I’ll cut you, I’ll cook you, and I’ll eat you!’ Yu Lu thought to herself.

“Chop you to death! Chop you to death!” She held her hand to press that pitiful potato while her other hand, holding the kitchen knife, vigorously cut it; The chopping board must’ve been minced by her.

“Oh, my beautiful Lulu, are you practicing the devil blade technique?”

A glib male voice suddenly sounded behind her, startling her. She quickly turned her head and found the frivolous Qin Chao smilingly standing behind her.

“You, why are you here!”

“What’s wrong, can’t I come?” Qin Chao laughed to dispel the awkwardness. Actually, after having an intimate relation with this woman, Qin Chao has a strange feeling in his heart. But he can’t really tell that to Yu Lu. He knew that she knew he has a girlfriend already. This sort of thing is better not to talk about it.

“This is the kitchen. You will only add chaos around here!” Yu Lu was a bit afraid seeing this guy. Everytime she sees him her heart would wildly thump.

Therefore, she can’t help but wave the kitchen knife, making a threatening gesture so that he would go away. This kitchen knife was stained by a few slices of potatoes, which flew around the room.

“What? You look down on me!” Qin Chao rolled up his sleeves, “I can also cook you know. Watch my skills!”

With that, he walked toward the stove.

“No, no! Just let me do it okay!” Yu Lu was obviously worried about Qin Chao’s culinary skill. So, she quickly reached out and pulled this guy, who want to show off his skill.

Who knew, her foot stepped on the potato slice that fell to the ground just a moment ago. With a high pitch tone, her high heel slipped on the floor. Yu Lu shrieked and closed her eyes as she fell on her back to the ground.

At this time, a strong embrace, suddenly poised to catch her. Yu Lu opened her eyes and saw Qin Chao was staring at her in the eyes. This guy’s hand was on her waist while the other hand was, unexpectedly, on her chest.

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